Friday, 14 March 2025

Jan Combs (Jan the Gryphon)

Jan Combs (Jan the Gryphon) has asked to post the following:

Claudia is not in this group, but she is my 71-yr old stepdaughter.
Her mother and stepdad, Jean & Johnny, are both experiencing dementia, and rely on her for support.
Claudia's developmentally-disabled son, Mitchell, lives with her, as he is unable to fend for himself.
Also, her full brother, Lloyd, has terminal lung cancer.
Claudia self-tested positive for Covid the other day, so she put Mitch in respite care so she wouldn't infect him.

At home she started vomiting blood. At the hospital, she was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, and a tear in either her esophagus or upper stomach.
Please pray that her doctors are able to find and repair these things. Also, that others will care for her responsibilities as she recovers.
Thanks in advance -- Jan Combs

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Jeanie Kirkby

Jeanie Kirkby has told us that after 19 years,  her breast cancer has returned,  and it has spread into other areas of her body. Although on treatment indefinitely,  the disease cannot be cured. Please keep her in thoughts and prayers 🙏 

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Linda Smith Shook

 Linda was transferred to a hospice care home earlier in February, and although coherent is now reportedly very weak. Please keep her in thoughts for times ahead.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

John E. Knox

Krissy Knox is remembering her husband John, who passed away 3 years ago today (February 18th). He succumbed following a protracted battle with cancer. May he rest in peace.


I am resurrecting this blog, which has lain fallow for more than 8 years. It was originally started by the late Jeannette Oatley [jeanno43 on AOL).
The reason I mention this is a message from Jan Agar Combs, who has told me that she is leaving Facebook to preserve her mental health.
The incessant commentary on the political situation in the US (and elsewhere) is enough to drive anyone up the wall, to be honest.
I shall therefore start to relay these posts on this blog, so that anyone who leaves FB can still keep in touch here.

Sunday, 3 July 2016


It’s 81 years ago since you came into the world. In May, it was 8 years since you left us. Missing you still, but relieved you were spared further suffering. I know Dad did a fantastic job all those years, but the time was nearly there that he could do no more. So that’s where you left us.

It’s 12 years ago since I last saw you, on that platform in Darlington. When the train moved off, you moved out of sight. I could see the worry in your face. We never met again. At least not face to face. I did speak to you on the phone the next year, you were pleased to hear my voice again. It was the last time I heard yours, although neither of us was to know that.

I know you’re not around anymore, and I would not have wanted to you to linger any more than you had to, between ’98 and ’08. You are there nonetheless, in all three of us, and my sister’s children. We can’t go back to Shiney Row in Hurst. You enjoyed the owl swooping low and the pheasants in the tall grass. Just before I left you, you could only look at the hills, where you had walked the year before.

We were back in Vlieland a month ago, and I think you would have been pleased that all four of us were there. Your picture, of your visit in ’93, sat beside the TV in the ‘Boeier’. We could not come to the viewpoint outside Bomenland, Dad is now getting out of breath when walking up hills. It was cycling each day. But you were there, with us, the whole time. Not in the flesh, and not in any ordinary sense.

I have to carry on, you would not like me to dwell on the past. That’s, well, the past and nothing can be done about that anymore.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


I would like to thank all of you who visited my blog to congratulate me on my good news.  I will never forget the support you all gave me back in 2007 and how your prayers and good wishes helped me through it all.  God bless you.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

In remembrance

In remembering those that went before us, we will gain strength from their memory and the fortitude they showed in adversity.

One Girl's Head Noise (UK) - Pam, RIP 16 April 2006
There are no Sundays - Jim, RIP April 2007
The Diatom Project - Walt, RIP 27 April 2007
Pennie's Pieces of Ohio - Penny, RIP 1 October 2007
My Reason for Reasoning - Barbara, RIP 20 November 2007
Lahoma's Laments - Lahoma, RIP 25 December 2007
I shaved my legs for this??? - Kim, RIP 26 December 2007
Meet me at the Breakfast Table - Rene, RIP 25 February 2008
Sylvia Boiling, RIP 2 May 2008
Dribble by Chuck Ferris - Chuck, RIP 1 July 2008
Lori's Love Tribe - Lori, RIP 22 November 2009
Just Plain Bill, Bill, RIP 28 November 2010
Gingatao, Paul Squires, RIP 29 July 2010
A journey of another kind, Jane, RIP 30 May 2010
Daria, RIP 22 January 2011
Angie Marshall, RIP 30 January 2011
Lori Johnson, RIP 16 February 2011
Alvia Meekins (, blog removed), RIP 11 April 2011
Rebecca Robertson, formerly as Journeyzpath (Summer 2011)
Say it Baldy, Sam Shafer, RIP 29 June 2011
Gypsypaths, Carol Martinez, RIP 28 September 2011
Larry Wayland (moondawg), 2 December 2011 (and Facebook posts)
Frances Lawson, RIP 28 March 2012
Dad's Tomato Garden, Ray White, RIP 9 May 2012
Andy, RIP 15 September 2012